A crown is a restorative dental procedure designed to improve a tooth's shape or strength, often used for broken or worn teeth that can't hold fillings. Unlike fillings, crowns are custom-made in a lab from impressions of your tooth and bite.

Crowns protect teeth after a root canal, cover dental implants, and anchor dental bridges, effectively acting as a "cap" on the existing tooth.

Crown Installation Process
Typically Involves Two Visits:
First Visit
The dentist may take x-rays and prep the tooth using anesthetic, reshaping it or building it up if it's decayed. An scan is taken, and a temporary crown is placed.
Second Visit
Once the permanent crown is ready, the temporary crown is removed, and the permanent one is bonded in place.
Crown Duration
Dental crowns are unlikely to last a lifetime, but with the right care, they can last many years.