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Our Blog

  • How Does Periodontal Disease Affect My Body?

    Let’s face it–not all of us are regular brushers and flossers. If you forget a couple of times, that’s no big deal, right? Like many parts of your body, your teeth need constant, consistent care in order to function their best. If you aren’t practicing good oral hygiene, it’s time to start. That’s because without proper brushing and flossing, periodontal disease can set in, and cause real damage–not only to your gums, but to your overall health. Keep reading to find out more information about periodontal disease and the impacts it can have on your body.

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  • Sleep Apnea

    Have you noticed the symptoms of sleep apnea? Do you wake up finding it difficult to breathe? The team at Canandaigua Dentistry can help. At your next dental consultation, please let Dr. Hallstead know about your sleep apnea symptoms so he can find the right solution to meet your needs.

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  • When Patients Ask: Do You Participate With My Dental Insurance?

    Dental insurance is complicated and confusing. Dental offices have faced complex insurance issues for years, causing many practices to move away from participating in dental plans. While this may seem scary for patients, the opposite is true. A non-restricted dental practice is simpler for both parties, and it maintains the dental insurance coverage that patients need.

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  • 5 Of The Most Common Dental Veneer Questions Answered

    Simply put, tooth veneers are esthetic coverings of the portions of the teeth that are visible when a person smiles. Not only can veneers make a smile more esthetically pleasing, but they can also mask discoloration, minor crowding, excess spacing, and misshapen teeth. Many materials options are available for veneers however the most popular choices are porcelain and ceramics.

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    November is National Diabetes Month, and as we raise awareness we also want to examine our lifestyle routines to make sure we are not only managing diabetes well but are also taking the proper preventative measures to ensure that this disease doesn’t affect other areas of our bodies. Did you know that people who have diabetes are at a higher risk of developing periodontitis, or advanced gum disease?

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  • All-On-4

    If you’re missing most or all of your teeth on the upper or lower jaw, a full arch dental implant retained denture may be the perfect solution to restore your smile, bite force, and chewing ability. A full arch dental implant denture uses as few as four surgically implanted screws to affix a complete set of teeth on your upper or lower jaw. Known as the All-on-4 procedure, this oral surgery results in a completely restored arch of teeth. Read on for everything to know about a full arch dental implant denture.

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  • Protect Your Kids From Cavities

    If you have a young child in your life, you know how difficult it can be to get them to clean and care for their teeth properly. When brushing on their own, young children have a habit of only brushing the fronts of their teeth and the tops of their molars. While it is essential to clean those areas, if that’s all your kids are doing, they’re not brushing their teeth effectively. They are also making it easier for decay to creep in and create problems with their oral health. Sure, parents and older siblings often help kids brush, but it is not always ideal, not to mention that some adults have the same problem. We offer a treatment that can be beneficial for all of our patients, young and old. Read on to learn more about this treatment.

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  • Pregnancy And Oral Health

    Are you or someone you care about planning a pregnancy, currently expecting, or a new mother? The arrival of a new life is an exciting time and usually full of planning and preparing. Something many expectant and new moms are surprised to learn is that pregnancy can have an effect on your oral health.

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  • How to Soothe Painful Mouth Burns

    The next time you find yourself in this embarrassing situation, take heart. There are a number of things you can do to provide immediate relief for the pain and get your burned mouth back to feeling its best. Here are tips from dentists to help you heal and prevent such a burn in the future.

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